Who are we?

France Valley in figures

operating partners
hectares of forest
wine estates

Our approach

Since it was founded, France Valley’s aim has been to provide specific investment solutions that offer its clients true asset diversification while seeking performance with controlled volatility. France Valley relies on nearly 90 subcontractors throughout Europe and has a regular flow of high-quality prospects. From this French and European deal flow, the investment team selects the assets for their ability to generate long-term returns and their long-term valuation potential. In similar fashion to listed assets, France Valley favours strong diversification in the real estate portfolios (by business sector, geographical area, investment period, etc.) and real estate companies managed (species, regions, maturities, etc.).

Our philosophy

France Valley is fully aware of its involvement in sectors that are highly strategic with regard to key ecological challenges. That is why we attach a great deal of importance to sustainable development issues. Given that they are natural and therefore fragile assets, a prudent approach is taken to forests and vineyards, with a focus on sustainable farming methods. For example, when it comes to replacing stands, we work in coordination with forest operators to choose species that can adapt to global warming by favouring irregular forestry, where conditions permit. Similarly, in terms of viticulture investments, France Valley favours terroirs that meet High Environmental Value standards.
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Our forests

France Valley is the benchmark in forest investment, with 45,000 hectares and 400 forests in France and Europe. It implements a sustainable management charter for its forests, all of which are PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) or FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified. The forests owned by France Valley’s Funds are located throughout France and Europe, varying in climate, soil, species, maturities and outlets. Each forest is appraised in detail, although there is a risk of capital loss.
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Our vineyards

Among land assets, the wine sector in France is vitally important, particularly in Champagne. It produces around 6% of wine volumes in France, but accounts for 22% of exports by value. Land in Champagne accounts for 1% of the surface area of French vineyards, but 21% by value. However, just 0.6% of the surface area is marketed each year in Champagne and these transactions are not accessible to private investors. France Valley, Asset Management Company authorised by the AMF to operate in Champagne, selects vineyards, assesses, negotiates and draws up leases, monitors operations and handles the administrative, financial and tax management of the investment companies.
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Our services

As an investment company, France Valley devises solutions that meet the main target clients’ different objectives. As such, dedicated investment vehicles may be set up based on precise and restricted specifications, depending on the amounts considered. Similarly, aware that land assets require specific knowledge, our team provides a range of training and events designed to explain our expertise and help investors gain a better understanding of our offerings. Lastly, we have devoted a significant proportion of our IT developments to digitisation projects in order to simplify the operational aspect and ensure compliance. In addition to a fully paperless subscription process, distributors and investors have access to a comprehensive extranet containing all the key elements for monitoring their transactions. France Valley provides investors with operational information (in the form of half-yearly bulletins and acquisition announcements), tax information (investment income tax statement), corporate information (annual reports, minutes of general meetings) and legal information (articles of association, subscription certificates), easily accessible in their dedicated online area.

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