Forestry investments

France Valley, forestry investment specialist

To diversify its holdings with a low-volatility asset decorrelated from the financial markets, while also taking into account its risks (risk of capital loss, modest return, natural risks), Forestry Funds are a relevant investment solution. Forestry Funds also act as a basis for making inheritance plans or reducing your income tax (in consideration for the risk of capital loss and a lock-up period for the Forestry Fund's units), without increasing your exposure to the real estate wealth tax.

Discover our investment solutions

GFI France Valley Patrimoine

  • Creating a natural heritage in France
  • Preparing for the transfer of your estate
  • IFI exemption
From :
33 150 €
Current capitalization:
397 M€

103 forests covering more than 19,000 hectares

Risk of capital loss
PEFC or FSC certified forests
VISA AMF G.F.I n°19-01

GFI France Valley Forêts

  • Creating a natural heritage in France
  • Preparing for the transfer of your estate
  • 18% income tax reduction
  • IFI exemption
From :
30 000 €
Current capitalization:
In process of capitalization

Risk of capital loss
PEFC or FSC certified forests
VISA AMF G.F.I n°22-05

SAS France Valley Foncière Europe

  • Building a pan-European natural heritage
  • Apport-Cession (article 150-0 B ter of the French General Tax Code)
  • IFI exemption
From :
100 000 €
Current capitalization:
77 M€

47 forests covering more than 5,000 hectares

Risk of capital loss
PEFC or FSC-certified forests

SA France Valley Revenu Europe

  • Building a pan-European natural heritage
  • 18% income tax reduction
  • IFI exemption
From :
1 000 €
Current capitalization:
In process of capitalization

Risk of capital loss
PEFC / FSC certified forests

Frequently asked questions

Why invest in forests?

Forestry is an investment that should represent a reasonable proportion of one’s wealth. It is not without risk, but it is uncorrelated with the financial markets, and its performance is built on the rhythm of nature and the interest that the land presents for French and foreign investors: it can reward patient savers. Its yield is modest, but in today’s low interest-rate environment, it remains an attractive investment, all the more so as it generates low-tax income. It’s a long-term, even intergenerational investment.
Optimize your personal and family tax situation: bearing in mind that taxation cannot be the only objective, and that these tax advantages have their counterparts.
Support the economic development of the wood industry and give your savings an environmental and social purpose: forests have many functions. They play an important economic role, a social role in the context of hunting and walking, and an ecological role, as they are home to a significant proportion of France’s biodiversity and capture 20% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.

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How long does an investment last?

This is a long-term investment, linked to the natural cycles of the forest. For example, it may take 40 to 70 years to harvest an entire coniferous forest. In addition, the cost of acquiring forests for the fund (transfer duties and notary fees), as with real estate, is high, and takes several years to be offset by the forest’s yield.

How much does the forest yield?

It is modest. It varies between 1% and 3%, and is generally around 2% including any hunting rent. This is obviously an average. A Landes forest of maritime pines will generate a higher return than a forest of young hardwoods. What’s more, the value of the forest increases steadily with the growth of the stands, i.e. around 1% to 3% per annum, unless of course major felling takes place. For example, a single small oak forest will only be able to generate income from timber felling every 15/20 years. This may be interspersed with a few cuts of firewood or industrial timber, for example, when the forest is rehabilitated. Yields are therefore by nature irregular. If a Groupement Forestier acquires several forests of varying maturity and significant size, it will be able to smooth out these revenues: it is therefore essential to consider them over a long period. And in forestry, a long period means more than 10 years.

What are France Valley's forestry commitments?

Convinced that sustainable development strategies are the most relevant in the long term in view of all the societal and environmental challenges facing companies, we have developed virtuous practices according to the nature of the investments we make. Discover our sustainable forest management charter:

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Can I choose the forest or region I want to invest in?

Our funds aim to acquire a large number of plots of land, as evenly distributed as possible across France and Europe. By investing in one of France Valley’s solutions, you don’t choose the forest or the region in which you wish

France Valley forests

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