Greenfin label

The Greenfin label, created by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, launched in 2015 at the COP 21 in Paris, aims to accelerate the ecological transition and mobilise the world of finance to fight climate change. To obtain the Greenfin label, companies must invest in one of eight categories of eco-activities, which are energy, construction, waste management and pollution control, industry, clean transport, information and communication technologies, agriculture and forestry, and climate change adaptation. In addition, funds must measure the positive impact of their investments on the ecological and energy transition in at least one of the following four areas: climate change, water, natural resources and biodiversity. Labelled funds must also exclude investments in fossil fuels and nuclear power.

GFI France Valley Patrimoine, GFI France Valley Forêts I to VIII and SAS France Valley Foncière Europe have the Greenfin label.

Carbon index

France Valley is fully aware of the role that forests play in combating global warming caused by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Acting as nature’s lungs, forests capture between 15% and 18% of annual greenhouse gas emissions in mainland France. As such, France Valley has been developing the Forest Carbon Index since 2020. Based in particular on the ADEME methodology, this indicator is used to quantify the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered by France Valley’s forests and develop forestry aimed at increasing these capacities.

Compliance with Forest Management Plans

France Valley complies with the Forest Forest Management Plans of each Investment Forestry Fund, validated by the Regional Forest Ownership Centres (CRPF – State agency), which include environmental zoning constraints (Natura 2000, ZNIEFF Type 1 or 2 Bird Directives, protection of water catchment areas, etc.).

PEFC or FSC certification

France Valley has PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) or FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification for the forests comprising the assets of its Investment Forestry Funds. These labels, which track the harvested wood and its process of conversion to the final product, provide a guarantee for consumers that the product they’re purchasing comes from responsible sources and that they are contributing to the sustainable management of forests with this purchase.

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