Guichaumont Forest

The property owned by GFI France Valley Forêts V is located in the Der massif and is divided into two parts: Guichaumont Forest and Canonnerie Forest. The clay-loamy-sandy soil is fertile and favourable to the forest vegetation of oak, the dominant species in the massif. The quality and height of the timber attest to the richness of the soil. The climate is semi-continental, characterised by well distributed but relatively sparse rainfall. The stands are deciduous based on oak, treated with irregular clusters. However, the reserve is relatively sparse, dominated by the categories of large timber. On average, the 145 hectares of reserve amount to 80 m³/ha, although this only totals around 35 stems per hectare. Overall, nearly 13,000 m³ of oak are standing.

Key figures

m² of oak

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