France Valley viticulture investments: HVE label
France Valley has become the owner of six new vineyard plots totalling 4 hectares. These plots are located in the department of Aube and Marne. In accordance with France Valley's management choices, these investments all have the High Environmental Value (HVE) label.
The HVE label indicates that the winegrower in charge of the operation has implemented environmentally friendly practices and minimises its environmental impact when conducting its agricultural activity. France Valley vineyards therefore incorporate the following concepts: - Appropriate plant protection, - Fertilisation and rational management of water resources. France Valley aims to achieve a rate of HVE, VDC (Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne) or organic certified vines that is higher than the average certification for the Appellation. As at 31.08.2023, the viticulture funds managed by France Valley had assets of 24 hectares totalling 27 estates, seven of which were classified as First Growth. There is a risk of capital loss.