A “forest weather forecast” to prevent fire risks
Due to an increase in fire risks, especially during the summer period, it is important to be vigilant. Weather conditions such as wind, heat, humidity and dry vegetation have a major influence on the start and spread of forest fires.
From 1 June onwards, Météo France is launching the "Météo des Forêts" forecast, a map indicating each day the fire hazard level per department for the next day and the following day. The aim of this system is to inform and educate the general public about fire risks and encourage them to adopt best practices to prevent fires, particularly in the sensitive areas identified. France Valley's practice is to insure its forests in France against fire risks. The management company excludes the massifs located too far south in France, which are more affected by these risks. As such, during an exceptionally difficult year in 2022 regarding fires, around 0.1% of France Valley's assets were affected (30 ha out of a total of 27,000 ha).