About Us
The company
An independent asset management company founded in 2013 and approved by the AMF¹ in 2014, France Valley manages €4.8 billion in assets as at 12/31/2024.
The majority of its capital is held by its founders, Arnaud Filhol and Guillaume Toussaint, and the company's employees. In 2023, Charterhouse Capital Partners and Société Générale Capital Partenaires entered the capital as part of a minority LBO.

¹Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is the financial regulatory authority in France responsible for overseeing and regulating financial markets.

Since its launch, France Valley has specialized in the management of natural assets and real estate investments in usufruct of SCPI¹ units, and today manages €3.8 billion in assets.
¹Société Civile de Placement Immobilier. French SCPIs are unlisted investment vehicles raising funds to build a portfolio exclusively composed of real estate properties (offices, retail businesses, etc.). SCPIs are run by a management company authorized by the French regulator.
France Valley is one of the leading Natural Assets management company in Europe (€1 milliard in Natural Assets under management at 12/31/2024), including 400 forests across 10 countries, accounting for a total of 55,000 ha, as well as 42 vineyard estates (38 ha). France Valley also manages agricultural lands in France

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